Saturday, February 28, 2015

Citizenship in the Modern Era

Citizenship in the Modern Era 

All schools are always on the lookout for discounts and funding. So all schools recognize the amazing deal and benefit that is "E-Rate" funding. The Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund (commonly called E-Rate) provides major discounts on telecommunications and internet access to schools and libraries nationwide. In order to be eligible for these discounts, schools must meet several requirements. One such requirement is providing programs that teach children how to properly behave online. This is called Digital Citizenship. 
The schools are free to create their own curriculum or use some of the many ready-made curriculums available online. There are several incredible resources that provide ready-made lesson plans on digital citizenship, including:
These lessons cover safety, privacy, appropriate online behavior, and cyberbullying. Here is a sample layout of digital citizenship lessons from Common Sense Media:
Kindergarten - Going Places Safely
1st Grade - Sending Email
2nd Grade - Show Respect Online
3rd Grade - Talking Safely Online
4th Grade - The Power of Words 
5th Grade - Digital Citizenship Pledge
6th Grade - Safe Online Talk
                 -Scams and Schemes
7th Grade - Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line
                 - Trillion Dollar Footprint
8th Grade - Which Me Should I Be?
                 - Cyberbullying: Be Upstanding
9th Grade - Private Today, Public Tomorrow
10th Grade - Risky Online Relationships
11th Grade - College Bound
12th Grade - Taking Perspectives on Cyberbullying

These lessons will help shape a generation of informed and responsible digital citizens.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your post, I thought it was extremely well written and thought out. Maybe give a brief description of each resource.
