Sunday, April 26, 2015

3 Apps for Special Education Learners

      1.     iPrompts By Handhold Adaptive, LCC - $99.99 on Itunes
            This app is a detailed daily schedule for autistic learners that helps them through the day. The app can display pictures as well as a timer, so that the child knows that they have to wash their hands the whole time the picture of the boy washing his hands stays on the screen. The visual helps reassure the child that they are doing the correct thing and helps them know that there is a beginning and end to their activity. This app really is the whole package, but unfortunately it comes with a price. The whole program costs $100 on Itunes and $50 for the partial program. 

      2.     Dyslexia Quest by Nessy Learning Limited - $3.99 Itunes
            This app was made with three different levels. The first is for kids ages 7-10, the second is for kids ages 11-16, and the third is for those 17 and older. In the game the student goes on a quest to climb a mountain. While they are on the quest up the mountain the student must pass play certain games to get past obstacles. Each one of these games tests memory and learning skills. Not only will this app help test memory, but it will also help build it. The app was designed at the Bristol Dyslexia Center in the UK. It assesses working memory, phonological awareness, processing speed, visual memory, auditory memory, and sequencing skills.

            This app allows young children to trace numbers and letters on a virtual chalkboard for writing practice. The app gives auditory instructions as well as visual examples. The children earn colorful letter cards every time they complete a letter three times. The app includes a progress page that allows parents to track the progress of the children. Overall this app is a fun way to help kids learn how to form uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers as well as develops fine motor skills.

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