Sunday, April 26, 2015

Creativity in the Classroom

              As a teacher some of your students will always be more creative than others. In fact, some of your students will need to think creatively in order to learn. Whether they are studying or making a presentation there are several tools you can encourage your students to use that will help them mix their creativity into their school work.

    Although this is a widely known presentation tool, it is no less impressive. Powerpoint has stood the test of time and has proved to be a remarkably useful tool for creating presentations. Unfortunately, at $79.99 the price is insanely high and not affordable for many people

2. Pages
       Pages is Powerpoints slightly less well known cousin that is put out by Apple. Whereas Powerpoint is compatible with both P.C.s and Macs, Pages is only compatible on Macs. Pages offers very similar features as Powerpoint, but at only $20.00 it is a very popular word processor in the mac world. 

3. Prezi
   For those students who can't afford Powerpoint or Pages, Prezi is a perfect free alternative. Students can design fun and colorful Prezi's that turn any presentation into an instant success. 

     Word clouds are great visual aid to use as a graphic within a Powerpoint or Prezi; or word clouds can be used for creative minded people to sort out their thoughts!

5. Gynzy 
      Gynzy is a great interactive whiteboard site that allows teachers to give detailed and interesting lectures that can include images, videos, and live drawing. 

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