Monday, April 27, 2015


Strike is one of the coolest websites I've ever discovered. As an incredibly organized person I am obsessed with lists. I love a good list. I love knowing what I have to accomplish, how much time I have to accomplish it, and crossing things off of those lists.

Strike allows you to:

1. Stay organized
2. Remember all of your tasks
3. Prioritize said tasks
4. Have the satisfaction of crossing those tasks off!

You can name your lists, cross tasks off, and add/delete new tasks

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Organization in the Classroom

Lets face it, it can be hard to keep all of our papers in order. Whether you're a teacher or a student we can all use help to keep our lives organized. Here are some helpful websites and apps made just for that purpose:

1. Popplet - a great idea organizer for students and teachers

2. Diigo - A file organizer and annotator

3. Planboard - A collaborative organizer board to help help teachers plan classes and sort ideas

4. Examtime - A creative resource to help organize study materials

5. Fetchnotes

Creativity in the Classroom

              As a teacher some of your students will always be more creative than others. In fact, some of your students will need to think creatively in order to learn. Whether they are studying or making a presentation there are several tools you can encourage your students to use that will help them mix their creativity into their school work.

    Although this is a widely known presentation tool, it is no less impressive. Powerpoint has stood the test of time and has proved to be a remarkably useful tool for creating presentations. Unfortunately, at $79.99 the price is insanely high and not affordable for many people

2. Pages
       Pages is Powerpoints slightly less well known cousin that is put out by Apple. Whereas Powerpoint is compatible with both P.C.s and Macs, Pages is only compatible on Macs. Pages offers very similar features as Powerpoint, but at only $20.00 it is a very popular word processor in the mac world. 

3. Prezi
   For those students who can't afford Powerpoint or Pages, Prezi is a perfect free alternative. Students can design fun and colorful Prezi's that turn any presentation into an instant success. 

     Word clouds are great visual aid to use as a graphic within a Powerpoint or Prezi; or word clouds can be used for creative minded people to sort out their thoughts!

5. Gynzy 
      Gynzy is a great interactive whiteboard site that allows teachers to give detailed and interesting lectures that can include images, videos, and live drawing. 

3 Educational Benefits of Ted Ed

           Most of us have heard of the renowned and popular Ted Talks. This organization finds entrepreneurs, revolutionaries, and phenomenal human beings and gives them a platform to share their views and ideas. Ted Talks are an incredible educational resource for teachers for several reasons:

1. Ted Talks can be used to spark an interest in an otherwise uninteresting topic.

2. Ted Talks can be used to challenge a view point.

3. Ted Talks can be used to expand student knowledge.

Ted Talks allow students to receive information from primary sources on virtually any subject that they are interested in. An expert on a different subject can teach the class every day allowing students to get a very wide range of viewpoints as well as informed data. Oh the blessings of modern technology!


           No one can deny how terrifying the internet can be. It can bring any answer that a curious mind desires, but even an innocent internet search can lead to dangerous content. The internet is overflowing with material that is inappropriate for children. The question is, how can we allow our children to reap the benefits of the internet while protecting them from it at the same time? The answer is simple–KidRex.

           Kidrex is a search engine made for kids by kids. Using Google Custom Search and Google SafeSearch Technology KidRex looks through kid-related webpages to find appropriate and safe results. KidRex stays up to date by allowing parents to to report inappropriate material here: KidRex Webpage Removal Request Tool

           If anyone tries to search for inappropriate material while using KidRex this message will appear:

           Kidrex also supplies a list of Tips for Online Safety. Overall KidRex is an answer to pray for parents who have struggles with their children's internet use.

3 Apps for Special Education Learners

      1.     iPrompts By Handhold Adaptive, LCC - $99.99 on Itunes
            This app is a detailed daily schedule for autistic learners that helps them through the day. The app can display pictures as well as a timer, so that the child knows that they have to wash their hands the whole time the picture of the boy washing his hands stays on the screen. The visual helps reassure the child that they are doing the correct thing and helps them know that there is a beginning and end to their activity. This app really is the whole package, but unfortunately it comes with a price. The whole program costs $100 on Itunes and $50 for the partial program. 

      2.     Dyslexia Quest by Nessy Learning Limited - $3.99 Itunes
            This app was made with three different levels. The first is for kids ages 7-10, the second is for kids ages 11-16, and the third is for those 17 and older. In the game the student goes on a quest to climb a mountain. While they are on the quest up the mountain the student must pass play certain games to get past obstacles. Each one of these games tests memory and learning skills. Not only will this app help test memory, but it will also help build it. The app was designed at the Bristol Dyslexia Center in the UK. It assesses working memory, phonological awareness, processing speed, visual memory, auditory memory, and sequencing skills.

            This app allows young children to trace numbers and letters on a virtual chalkboard for writing practice. The app gives auditory instructions as well as visual examples. The children earn colorful letter cards every time they complete a letter three times. The app includes a progress page that allows parents to track the progress of the children. Overall this app is a fun way to help kids learn how to form uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers as well as develops fine motor skills.

Four Apps for English Language Learners

Learning english can be a scary and daunting task, but there are hundreds of exciting games, activities, and apps out there to make the process more fun! Here are four of my favorite ones:    
      1. Learn English with el Chavo -FREE on Google Play 
            This a wonderful interactive app for young children. The app allows children to go through adventure chapters full of fun interactive activity. In order to go to the next chapter the child has to pass a series of games/tests that prove they have mastered the chapter topic (Colors, numbers, body parts, etc.)  

    2.     Word Games for Kids Futaba - FREE on Itunes
            This app is definitely a fun way to help students learn. The colorful pictures and animations turn studying vocabulary into an exciting activity. The benefit of this app over others is that it can be multiplayer.

            This app allows children to practice spelling, reading, vocabulary, and pronunciation.  It includes audio flashcards and fun reward systems for the students as the start to master the information.

4.     Kids Vocab – Mindsnacks - $1.99 ITunes
            This app is a vocabulary-based game that is made up of 9 games. What sets this app apart is that it focuses on understanding rather than memorization. The games check for spelling, proper usage, and visualization as well as memorization.

Friday, March 13, 2015


3 Ways Students Can Use Piktochart!

Piktochart is an incredible resource for students to use. Piktochart is a website that can be used to design "infographics". 

Students can use piktochart for three things:

1. For presentations
           No one can argue with the fact that presentations are more fun with colorful and interesting visual aids. Piktochart can help turn stale statistics into fascinating factoids!

2. For posters
       Whether they're running for student body president or raising bicycle safety awareness, students can use piktochart to design dope posters.
3. For notes
          Most people in the world can agree that studying is one of the most boring activities on the face of the planet. However students can use piktochart to compile their classroom notes/textbook notes/studying materials to make fun and interesting study guides that are easy to follow.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Citizenship in the Modern Era

Citizenship in the Modern Era 

All schools are always on the lookout for discounts and funding. So all schools recognize the amazing deal and benefit that is "E-Rate" funding. The Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund (commonly called E-Rate) provides major discounts on telecommunications and internet access to schools and libraries nationwide. In order to be eligible for these discounts, schools must meet several requirements. One such requirement is providing programs that teach children how to properly behave online. This is called Digital Citizenship. 
The schools are free to create their own curriculum or use some of the many ready-made curriculums available online. There are several incredible resources that provide ready-made lesson plans on digital citizenship, including:
These lessons cover safety, privacy, appropriate online behavior, and cyberbullying. Here is a sample layout of digital citizenship lessons from Common Sense Media:
Kindergarten - Going Places Safely
1st Grade - Sending Email
2nd Grade - Show Respect Online
3rd Grade - Talking Safely Online
4th Grade - The Power of Words 
5th Grade - Digital Citizenship Pledge
6th Grade - Safe Online Talk
                 -Scams and Schemes
7th Grade - Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line
                 - Trillion Dollar Footprint
8th Grade - Which Me Should I Be?
                 - Cyberbullying: Be Upstanding
9th Grade - Private Today, Public Tomorrow
10th Grade - Risky Online Relationships
11th Grade - College Bound
12th Grade - Taking Perspectives on Cyberbullying

These lessons will help shape a generation of informed and responsible digital citizens.

Monday, February 9, 2015

3 Ways Pinterest Can Help Elementary Teachers

Pinterest is generally thought to be used by crafty women showing off their creative projects and girls planning their dream wedding. 
What many people don't know, is that Pinterest can be used as an incredible resource for teachers.

1. Pinterest allows teachers to get ideas from others
    Pinterest has easy search tools that allow you to search one or many words to find pictures, posts,       or blogs that use those keywords. It can be a quick and simple way to find ideas for classroom             decorations, group projects, lesson plans, or more!  

2. Pinterest allows teachers to compile the resources they have found
    When a teacher finds a resource they like, they can "pin" it to a board so they can refer to it later. For example, if I was looking for classroom decoration ideas I could make a board titled "Classroom Decorations" and every time I find a picture or idea that I like I could "pin" it to that board.

3. Pinterest allows teachers to share their ideas with others
     We all know what it's like to have a brilliant idea...right? Well if you do know what it's like then you know you want to share it. Pinterest is a great way to share your brilliant ideas with the world. If you had a breakthrough in classroom organization or desk clump ideas, Pinterest can be a great way to share that idea with other teachers who may enjoy it too!